Testing with NAVHDA
Chapter Test Application
The Chapter usually sponsors at least two tests during the course of the year, in the spring and early fall. Test dates are listed on the Calendar and the International Testing Calendar.
Entry fees for 2025 Chapter tests are below
NA Test : Member fee is $150.00 and non-members fee is $175.00
UPT Test: Member fee is $175.00 and non-member fee is $200.00
Utility Test: Member fee is $200.00 and non-member fee is $225.00
When the test dates are announced the Director of Testing may begin to accept applications for that test. Tests are filled, and the running order determined, based on the order in which the completed applications are received. Once the running order is established it will not be changed except in accordance with NAVHDA rules pertaining to a “bitch in season” or at the Senior Judge’s discretion. Bitches in season may be run in NAVHDA tests, but will run last at each phase of testing. If an applicant withdraws from a test, an applicant who is on the waiting list will be placed last in the running order.
Refund Policy: 80% refund if a fully paid replacement is found; otherwise nonrefundable. Refunds for withdrawals within 30 days of test at the Test Secretary's discretion.
To register for a test, complete a NAVHDA International Test Entry form and mail it with a check in the amount of your test entry fee, check should be payable to NAVHDA Potomac Chapter, and the completed form and check should be mailed to Jill DeGraff, Test Secretary, NAVHDA Potomac Chapter, 1703 Surrey Lane NW, Washington DC 20007. Contact Jill with questions at jillkdegraff@gmail.com or 202.213.1974
Test Your Dog
Dogs are evaluated in both field and water work. In NAVHDA tests, all dogs are measured against set standards and and not against one another. Each dog that meets or exceeds minimum standards in all areas of work is placed in one of three categories based on their scores: Prize I, II or III, Prize I being the highest classification.
Natural Ability (NA) Test:
This test is designed to evaluate the inherent natural abilities of young dogs and gain insight into their possible usefulness as versatile gun dogs. It rates seven important inherited abilities: nose, search, tracking, pointing, water, desire and cooperation.
Utility Preparatory (UPT) Test:
This test measures the dogs’ development midway through their training toward the Utility Test.
Utility Test:
This test evaluates trained dogs in water and field, before and after the shot, as finished versatile hunting companions as well as many other specific tasks. Those dogs receiving a Prize I in the Utility Test, are invited to the NAVHDA Invitational, which takes place nationally. At the Invitational dogs have the opportunity to earn their Versatile Champion (VC) designation.
For more information on each of the tests, please visit: https://www.navhda.org/about-the-navhda-testing-system/